There is 2 ways we can do that:
- Make sure nginx container running on ipv6 interface. Unlike below which is binding with ipv4

To bind with ipv6 in mailcow.conf
at /opt/mailcow-dockerized. Leave as it is binding address empty

- Make sure validation on acme happen on the basis of A record. To do:
Go to mailcow dockerized acme container bash with docker exec.
docker exec -it mailcowdockerized-acme-mailcow-1 bash
Then comment line # AAAA_DOMAIN=$(dig AAAA ${DOMAIN} +short | tail -n 1) # actual code
in file /srv/
Then I restart the container
docker restart mailcowdockerized-acme-mailcow-1
Either way, you will have certification generated for autodiscover
or autoconfig
Eager to hear others way and opinion.