Can’t update could someone pls help?
When i do a Update my mailcow returns a 502 afterwards. I have tried to
docker-compose down -v ; docker-compose up -d
but nothing changed.
Then i tried to:
cd /var/docker/mailcow-dockerized
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
docker system prune -a
rm -rf /var/lib/docker/volumes/mailcow*
service docker restart
docker-compose up -d
again nothing changed.
Another Case suggested that maybe a SQL update done by hand should help.
Again nothing.
Rolled back to a Previous snapshot. Tried again same result.
docker-compose logs –tail=200 php-fpm-mailcow
got the Following output:
php-fpm-mailcow_1 | Waiting for SQL…
but a docker ps -a shows everything up and running.
Pls i would like to update but can’t. If there is need for more info feel free to ask.