Here we go, another newbee, i can hear you think it.
But it is what it is, iḿ new to both Linux, Docker AND the whole mail thing. I have taught myself docker and linux the hard way, by trial and error, see what works and what doesnt. But with mailcow, im out of option.
I have the 4 basic DNS entree’s, mailcow and it supporting dockers are running. I have a domain set up in mailcow, i have an inbox set u in mailcow.
When i send a test mail to my cow, i get timeouts the next day on the sending adress. When i open the mailcow webmail, i DONT see my inbox. I DO see the emailadress left side.
Iḿ kinda lost, because to my senses it should work, and i cant find anything wrong. There probably is though, courtesy of my inexperience.
Does anyone have either pointers or is willing to walk me through the setting up?
PS, i tried the search function, but couldn’t find a matching case.