Hi all i have 2 vms both running Ubuntu 22.04 with mailcow-dockerized installed on both.
I have ssh keys all setup and working ( no password needed to log in )
i then tried to run create_cold_standby.sh
I have made sure that i have rsync installed on both (v3.2.7)
the script seems to time out at checking rsync version so i disabled the check in the script
i then got [ERR] - Could not prepare remote for mailcow base directory transfer
I am stuck and have to migrate our company emails ASAP as our ISP is stopping hosting( PIA)

My 2 servers are on different ranges but connected via a site to site vpn no firewals between

    Looks like it was the site-site vpn encapsulation that was messing up the ssh packets. did a direct and worked like a charm.

got a bit further now gets stuck creating remote mount points
but did 2 volumes then crashed out

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What happens if you just ssh between the servers?

Have you tried to just rsync’ing random folder across manually?

Hi Lnxgeek,

That all seems to work fine .
I dont need a keyfile to log into the second from the master .

so kinda update
sort of worked but now getting this

Creating consistent backup of MariaDB volume…
Open source backup tool for InnoDB and XtraDB

Copyright © 2009-2015 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates.
Portions Copyright © 2000, 2011, MySQL AB & Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2
of the License.

Then fails
with the below at the end

[ERR] - Could not create MariaDB backup on source

Looks like it was the site-site vpn encapsulation that was messing up the ssh packets. did a direct and worked like a charm.

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