I’m interested in adding a wiki to my host. I see that MediaWiki has a docker image: https://hub.docker.com/_/mediawiki/ That looks interesting. I’m familiar with running MediaWiki, just not on docker.
As far as being able to access it, I assume that I could add it as a virtual subfolder in the mailcow nginx configs. That seems straightforward. I would then add it as a “mailcow app” on the mailcow homepage.
I’m really shaky on the docker-compose part of this. How would I prevent the MediaWiki docker image from being removed when updating mailcow? Would I have to worry about it messing up mailcow maintenance? Would mailcow backup still work OK? How do I assign the MediaWiki image a fixed IP?
I assume that I’d have to update and backup the MediaWiki image entirely separately from mailcow. I’m OK with that.