Hi guys, I was wondering if by default the active sync is disabled? Currently i have configured NGINX reverse proxy

but cant seem on the mobile device to find the exchange server just keeps showing imap to configure, whats even odd is that on my test environment it works fine the only difference is that the test server i have version mail cow 2023-03

Thank you

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Thanks for the reply, yeah it seemed that the CNAME was pointing to the A record that was not pointing to the mail, got that working thank you again,
Just out of curiosity, whats the recommended specs for the host to have if to say around 60 users using active sync?

thanks, currently i was wondering if it happened before on outlook 2021 running active sync the sub folders show but does not show any email, i checked the logs cant seem anything odd?

what i see is this

email@domain.com [05/Aug/2023:12:39:39 -0500] "POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync&User=email@domain.com&DeviceId=14AF69450D224BD69557F18D888FFD56&DeviceType=WindowsOutlook15 HTTP/1.0" 200 380300 "-" "Outlook/16.0 (16.0.16626.20086; x64)"

mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1       | Aug  5 12:41:57 f6956065651b sogod [82]:, "POST /SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync&User=email@domain.com&DeviceId=14AF69450D224BD69557F18D888FFD56&DeviceType=WindowsOutlook15 HTTP/1.0" 200 668120/2664 1.673 - - 0 - 14
mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1       | Aug  5 12:41:58 f6956065651b sogod [8]: [WARN] <0x0x563e78fb3ea0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 9376 has been hanging in the same request for 2 minutes
mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1       | Aug  5 12:41:58 f6956065651b sogod [8]: [WARN] <0x0x563e78fa9b60[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 14236 has been hanging in the same request for 22 minutes
mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1       | Aug  5 12:41:59 f6956065651b sogod [82]: <0x0x563e7dd32830[NGImap4Client]> Note: no key found for sorting, using 'DATE': (null)
mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1       | Aug  5 12:42:00 f6956065651b sogod [82]: <0x0x563e7ac3e120[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher]> Change detected during Sync, we push the content.
mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1       | Aug  5 12:42:00 f6956065651b sogod [82]:, "POST /SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync&User=email@domain.com&DeviceId=14AF69450D224BD69557F18D888FFD56&DeviceType=WindowsOutlook15 HTTP/1.0" 200 605057/2664 1.683 - - 0 - 14
mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1       | Aug  5 12:42:01 f6956065651b sogod [8]: [WARN] <0x0x563e790ff530[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 1828 has been hanging in the same request for 1 minutes
mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1       | Aug  5 12:42:02 f6956065651b sogod [82]: <0x0x563e7cecabe0[NGImap4Client]> Note: no key found for sorting, using 'DATE': (null)
mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1       | Aug  5 12:42:03 f6956065651b sogod [82]: <0x0x563e7b5ed580[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher]> Change detected during Sync, we push the content.
mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1       | Aug  5 12:42:03 f6956065651b sogod [82]:, "POST /SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync&User=email@domain.com&DeviceId=14AF69450D224BD69557F18D888FFD56&DeviceType=WindowsOutlook15 HTTP/1.0" 200 666895/2664 1.717 - - 0 - 14

Thank you

I don’t know, most of this log entries I have also, nothing to be concerned about.
For me its working with Outlook 2021.
Maybe an issue with your firewall/reverse proxy/public/private/NAT addresses

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