Bcc’ding a single mailbox using address rewriting works well, including anonymizing the headers.
BCC/address rewriting does not work on an alias however.
Example, @catchall defined to catchall@domain.com mailbox (it exists). Defining an entry in address rewriting as catchall@domain.com to bcc to target@newdomain.com does not seem to work. Target@newdomain.com only receives messages that are externally sent direct to catchall@domain.com.
Now I could add target@newdomain.com as an additional target in the alias. This works, but header anonymizing does not. Same if I make a filter in the catchall@domain.com mailbox.
The goal is to have headers removed from these bcc’d emails.
The dialogue help for bcc maps (address rewrite section) says this:

What is the right way (talk to me like im a 5 yr old) to define the alias to use it in the BCC maps?