Guuva I forwarded the Gmail email to mailcow, but found that it didn’t work. I got the error: Your email to has been blocked. 554 5.7.1 This message does not meet our delivery requirements.
migrator Also having this same issue: ever find a solution? Happens with various senders, not just Gmail!
esackbauer Is this from the postfix log file or what you got as NDR in gmail? If this is from gmail, please post the relevant logfile excerpt of the delivery attempt of postfix.
migrator Hello there @esackbauer! This is returned to the sender via Gmail or Juno for example. Here is an example of what I see from postfix right now, copying and pasting a screenshot to avoid confidential bits: More on the front of the error lines:
migrator @esackbauer is there something your gut is telling you the rspamd log will show? So far I whitelisted the server trying to deliver most of the messages that were failing, and that seems to have remedied it for now. It definitely has to do with spam filtration though.