Hello everyone,
I checked my logfiles and found serveral entries like this one here: (privat information removed here)
auth: passwd-file(xxx@mydomain.de,X.X.X.X,<XXXXX/XXXXX>): unknown user
auth: passwd-file(watchdog@invalid,X.X.X.X): unknown user
auth-worker(140): conn unix:auth-worker: auth-worker<534440>: sql(watchdog@invalid,X.X.X.X): unknown user
I did some research and found out that dovecot does not recognize the users if username@domain is used as username and a config adjustment would be necessary. Is this also necessary for mailcow if so why is this not in the mailcow default?
Second thing, I have also about 60 - 120 request per one to two hours like this
auth: static(username@domain.de,X.X.X.X): Password mismatch
All of this IPs are automatically banned but is there any other option? Any one last question what does the last information of this line mean?
auth: static(username@domain.de,X.X.X.X): allow_real_nets check failed: IP X.X.X.X not in allowed networks
Thanks for any help!