For some reason in the past weeks, all my cronjob emails are suddenly duplicated 100 - 1000 times. They all have exactly the same content, and have been received at the same time. There are now 60_000 messages in my junk email. My Mac wants to re-sync 230_000 messages. I think that’s a bit too much.
I want to delete the messages either through the webmail, which is nigh impossible in bulk, or through the filesystem. I’ve tried doing it using imap, but the client simply hangs.
I also tried to use doveadm -D deduplicate
, and that looked promising, but for the error at the end:
Debug: auth-master: conn unix:/run/dovecot/auth-userdb (pid=118,uid=0): Disconnected: Connection closed (fd=9)
Perhaps deduplication does not work because mailcow encrypts all the messages?
So, then I tried to ‘grep’ all the messages for duplicate content, but everything was encrypted.
What other actions can I take? As a ‘select all filtered messages + delete’ option does not exist in SoGo.
I believe this issue was caused originally because the mail disk was not mounted after a reboot. So all the clients got an ‘empty mailbox’ update. When I subsequently stopped mailcow, mounted the volume and started mailcow again, I believe the issue started, but I’m uncertain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I prefer to delete the messages filtered, as I have not had time to look at important messages in junk.