I’ve set up a little python script to add domains to my mailcow server, which is working fine.
I’ve got a similar one to create new mailboxes, but I can’t make it work.
It keeps returning “danger” and “mailbox_defquota_exceeds_mailbox_maxquota”

This error is incorrect, the domain is huge, and the mailbox quota tiny.

Does anyone else have this problem? Am I doing something wrong, or is it something about my server setup, or is it a bug with the API?

  • The payload looks like you want to create a mailbox, but you are calling the wrong endpoint

    url = "https://mailcow.example.com/api/v1/add/domain"

Also, I can’t add mailboxes with quota = zero, which would be ideal. Is this normal?

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Can you provide the API request and response?

Thanks @FreddleSpl0it ,

If I omit defquota completely, or set it to 0, I get the error message “defquota empty”.
But when I set defquota to ANY positive number, I get “mailbox_defquota_exceeds_mailbox_maxquota”

The domain is set up correctly, and I can add mailboxes manually no problem (screenshot attached showing domain, with 5GB domain quota & 5GB max quota per mailbox)

Any help would be appreciated,

Here’s my python code:

import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint
url = "https://mailcow.example.com/api/v1/add/domain"
APIKey = "my-api-key"
headers = {
	"Content-Type" :	"application/json",
	"X-API-Key" :		APIKey
email_local_part = "test123"
domain = "ruonline-mailer.com.au"
password = "my-password"
data = {
	"local_part": email_local_part,
	"domain": domain,
	"defquota": 1,
	"quota": 1,
	"password": password,
	"password2": password,
	"active": "1",
	"tls_enforce_in": "1",
	"tls_enforce_out": "1"
r = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers)
print("API response:s")

And here are some sample outputs showing the API response:

{'active': '1',
 'defquota': 0,
 'domain': 'ruonline-mailer.com.au',
 'local_part': 'test123',
 'password': 'Mypassword12##',
 'password2': 'Mypassword12##',
 'quota': 0,
 'tls_enforce_in': '1',
 'tls_enforce_out': '1'}
API response:s
[{'log': ['mailbox',
          {'active': '1',
           'defquota': 0,
           'domain': 'ruonline-mailer.com.au',
           'local_part': 'test123',
           'password': '*',
           'password2': '*',
           'quota': 0,
           'tls_enforce_in': '1',
           'tls_enforce_out': '1'},
  'msg': 'defquota_empty',
  'type': 'danger'}]
{'active': '1',
 'defquota': 1000,
 'domain': 'ruonline-mailer.com.au',
 'local_part': 'test123',
 'password': 'Mypassword12##',
 'password2': 'Mypassword12##',
 'quota': 1000,
 'tls_enforce_in': '1',
 'tls_enforce_out': '1'}
API response:s
[{'log': ['mailbox',
          {'active': '1',
           'defquota': 1000,
           'domain': 'ruonline-mailer.com.au',
           'local_part': 'test123',
           'password': '*',
           'password2': '*',
           'quota': 1000,
           'tls_enforce_in': '1',
           'tls_enforce_out': '1'},
  'msg': 'mailbox_defquota_exceeds_mailbox_maxquota',
  'type': 'danger'}]

And a screenshot showing my domain config:

The payload looks like you want to create a mailbox, but you are calling the wrong endpoint

url = "https://mailcow.example.com/api/v1/add/domain"

I created the following script to import data from a CSV file and create bulk mailbox.
It works fine but when I try to login it always says the password is wrong! Any idea?


# Set the API key and endpoint

# Set the CSV file path

# Read each line of the CSV file
while IFS=, read -r from_name user_name password; do
  # Extract the local_part and domain from the user_name

  # Send the API request to create the mailbox
  response=$(curl -s -X 'POST' "$api_endpoint" \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H "X-API-Key: $api_key" \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
      "active": "1",
      "local_part": "'"$local_part"'",
      "domain": "'"$domain"'",
      "name": "'"$from_name"'",
      "password": "'"$password"'",
      "password2": "'"$password"'",
      "quota": "0",
      "tls_enforce_in": "1",
      "tls_enforce_out": "1"

  # Check if the mailbox was created successfully
  if [[ "$response" == *"mailbox_added"* ]]; then
    echo "Mailbox created for $user_name"
    echo "Error creating mailbox: $response"

done < <(tail -n +2 "$CSV_FILE")
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