Hello everyone,

I have mailcow + mailman successfully running for some time now (installed using this guide: docs.mailcow.email Icon Mailman 3 - mailcow: dockerized documentation


And I am wondering whether someone knows where the e-mails that are received via mailman are stored on disk?

I know mailcow stores the e-mails in the vmail volume with a Maildir for every e-mail address, however I can’t seem to find the storage location for e-mails received via mailman. I assumed they would also need to go through dovecot and therefore in the same vmail directory.

Does anyone know about this?

  • Roy

After some heavy digging I just found that by default no Maildir directory is created and e-mails are only archived through Hyperkitty instead.

To enable the Maildir format (per mailinglist) the following option needs to be added in the mailman-extra.cfg:

enable: yes

After enabling that option and restarting mailman (+mailcow) the prototype option can be enabled per mailing list (Manage this list -> Settings -> Archiving -> Active archivers).

Downloading an mbox file through Hyperkitty is also possible by using the /export/ url for a mailing list, e.g.:

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