i’m using Mailcow since few years ago, and the last week, i’ve decided to reser my ionos VPS for this shema :

    – NGINX Proxy Manager
    — Mailcow
    — Uptime Kuma
    — Matomo

All services are working great, except SMTP & IMAP connection.
If i try to connect my email client with SMTP & IMAP (ActiveSync work), i’ve a connection timeout.
I’ve tried with my Android phone gmail app, i’ve a certificate error.

In Nginx Proxy Manager, i’ve these settings :

  • host mail.domain.com >> HTTP IP 8080 (mailcow.conf is configured for this port)
  • stream 25, 587, 465, 110, 143, 993, 995 ports >> IP same ports
  • Nginx proxy manager have a mail.domain.com valid Let’s Encrypt certificate

I can use SoGo and ActiveSync connection for receive & send emails and i’ve 10/10 wih mail-tester.com.
I need to connect with SMTP & IMAP for support tickets system in Wordpress (and Fluent SMTP plugin).
I’ve already searched to Google, and i don’t know how to use Nginx Proxy Manager certificate with Mailcow :/
If you have any idea, i will be happy to read you 🙂

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