I am reviewing this post and ran the steps provided to get the logo to change within webmail login page. However the image shows broken on the Sogo webmail page. That being said, I moved the file from my windows machine to the linux host, then to the docker session.
Steps : Following “Change Logo” steps on Icon
Changed the name of the .png to .svg over windows, then moved the file to the host > then docker container.
Then ran “docker-compose restart memcached-mailcow sogo-mailcow”
Attempted "docker-compose restart nginx-mailcow but the issue persisted.
Additionally I’ve tried move the .png directly to the container, then renaming the file .svg, but the issue persisted.
With the same steps to implement the image to the site.
Both times I attempted to re-run the build by using docker-compose build sogo-mailcow, but the image still shows as a broken image.
I saw a post on github regarding the /var/lib/docker/volumes/mailcowdockerized_sogo-web-vol-11/ file, but I think that step runs deeper into resolving the issue then I believe is necessary.
That being said, If I could get to the source code of the page, I am easily able to implement the CSS code to change the logo. But not sure where I’d find the code itself to change.
Here is a visual of what I mean by logo image broken on webmail login screen.
Is anyone else continuing to have this issue? If anyone has any guidance, it would be much appreciated!