Hallo bei der Installation von Docker Mailcow kommt die Fehlermeldung beim
Ausführen von" docker compose up -d"
dockerapi-mailcow OOM killer is disabled for the container, but no memory limit is
set, this can result in the system running out of resources.
Diese Fehlermeldung kommt auch bei verschiedenen Betriebssystem DEBIAN und Ubuntu
20.04 !
Was muss man tun?
Wie kommt man an detailierte LOG Files?
Hier noch die gesammte Ausgabe!
[+] Running 32/33cowdockerized-watchdog-mailcow-1 ⠿ Network mailcowdockerized_mailcow-network Created 0.2s
⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_clamd-db-vol-1” Created 0.0s ⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_redis-vol-1” Created 0.0s
⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_sogo-web-vol-1” Created 0.0s ⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_vmail-index-vol-1” Created 0.0s
⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_rspamd-vol-1” Created 0.0s ⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_postfix-vol-1” Created 0.0s
⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_solr-vol-1” Created 0.0s ⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_mysql-vol-1” Created 0.0s
⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_mysql-socket-vol-1” Created 0.0s ⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_sogo-userdata-backup-vol-1” Created 0.0s
⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_vmail-vol-1” Created 0.0s ⠿ Volume “mailcowdockerized_crypt-vol-1” Created 0.0s
⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-dockerapi-mailcow-1 Started 4.2s ⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-solr-mailcow-1 Started 3.8s
⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-unbound-mailcow-1 Started 4.2s ⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1 Started 3.8s
⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-watchdog-mailcow-1 Started 3.5s ⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-olefy-mailcow-1 Started 3.6s
⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-memcached-mailcow-1 Started 3.2s ⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-redis-mailcow-1 Started 4.0s
⠋ dockerapi-mailcow OOM killer is disabled for the container, but no memory limit is set, this can result in the system running out of resources. 0.0s ⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-php-fpm-mailcow-1 Started 6.1s
⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-mysql-mailcow-1 Started 6.3s ⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-clamd-mailcow-1 Started 6.2s ⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-nginx-mailcow-1 Started 8.3s
⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-postfix-mailcow-1 Started 9.2s ⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-dovecot-mailcow-1 Started 9.3s ⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-acme-mailcow-1 Started 10.5s
⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-rspamd-mailcow-1 Started 11.5s ⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-ofelia-mailcow-1 Started 11.6s
⠿ Container mailcowdockerized-netfilter-mailcow-1