I want to back up Sogo data (calendar, contacts) to be able to restore the data for a single user.
Therefore, I tried diffent things, but due to I’m not really an expert with docker I struggle.
So, it would be nice to get a hint.

I try to do the backup with sogo-tool. But I’m not sure if I do it right. Here is my last command:

docker-compose exec sogo-mailcow sh -c ‘sogo-tool backup /mnt/data ALL’

But always get an error (see below). I’m not sure about the export path, because I run the sogo-tool command inside the docker container, but how I get the data outside? Is the path /mnt/data correct, or do I have to get it in the docker volume?

Here is the error message:
2023-01-17 10:51:16.763 sogo-tool[108129:108129] ERROR(+[GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager]): default 'OCSFolderInfoURL' is not configured.
<0x0x559414a87770[SOGoUserManager]> No authentication sources defined - nobody will be able to login. Check your defaults.
<0x0x559414b11a80[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup interval set every 900.000000 seconds
<0x0x559414b11a80[SOGoCache]> Using host(s) 'memcached' as server(s)
2023-01-17 10:51:16.766 sogo-tool[108129:108129] ERROR(+[GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager]): default 'OCSFolderInfoURL' is not configured.

Thanks for your help

  • Ok I finaly solved it.
    The correct syntax is
    docker compose exec -u sogo sogo-mailcow sogo-tool backup /sogo_backup mail@domain.de

    Then the backup is made in the same folder/volume as the automatic Sogo backup does.

After many many tries I’m little step further.
docker compose exec -u sogo sogo-mailcow sogo-tool backup ALL /etc/sogo/backup mail@domain.de

Running this brings an error:
sogo-tool[185761:185761] an error occured during directory creation
Seems I have no rights to write to this volume. Setting file rights or create a folder (backup) inside the volume doesn’t work
Does someone have an idea?

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Ok I finaly solved it.
The correct syntax is
docker compose exec -u sogo sogo-mailcow sogo-tool backup /sogo_backup mail@domain.de

Then the backup is made in the same folder/volume as the automatic Sogo backup does.

8 months later

@alexpr Great, exactly what I’m searching for.
But how did you get the backuped files?
Sry, I’m a docker newbee.

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