
I’ve recently created an temporary email alias for signing up somewhere for a service and now the alias is no longer valid.
Now I can only restore the connected account by reusing the same email alias. I still have the alias name which was randomly created and I thought that I can just set it up as an real alias. If I could do that I could just set the alias and all emails will be forwared to a mailbox. But when I try to set the alias as admin I get an error message that there already is a spam alias address set up with the same name.

It seems like the already used temp aliases are somewhere stored. Is it possible to just delete it somehow ?
Or maybe an easier way to set the same temp alias again (via console since gui creates only random ones)?

Thanks in advance,

  • Short update: I’ve got the hint via the telegram group that the temp alias info also relies in the db. So what I did was:

    source mailcow.conf
    docker-compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} ${DBNAME}
    update spamalias set validity = ‘1596404300’ where address = ‘yourrandomalias@your-domain’;

    Afterwards you can find the temp alias in the gui as a valid temp email alias.

    Thought I just post the solution , maybe it helps somebody else.

Short update: I’ve got the hint via the telegram group that the temp alias info also relies in the db. So what I did was:

source mailcow.conf
docker-compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} ${DBNAME}
update spamalias set validity = ‘1596404300’ where address = ‘yourrandomalias@your-domain’;

Afterwards you can find the temp alias in the gui as a valid temp email alias.

Thought I just post the solution , maybe it helps somebody else.

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something more to add - it seems like the aliases will be deleted after one day automatically :

DROP EVENT IF EXISTS clean_spamalias;
CREATE EVENT clean_spamalias
DELETE FROM spamalias WHERE validity < UNIX_TIMESTAMP();

So if you can’t wait and if it is urgent then just renew the timestamp or delete it yourself as already mentioned or just wait since it should be deleted automatically 24 hours after the expiration timestamp is reached.

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