I cannot find on Google propper instruction for install PHPMyAdmin to manage MailCow database.
Could You help me with short instruction ??
I cannot find on Google propper instruction for install PHPMyAdmin to manage MailCow database.
Could You help me with short instruction ??
What do you want to manage / do with the database ? you can ssh into the container en login command-line with the credentials found in your mailcow config file if needed.
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I need transport database data from PostfixAdmin to MailCow - the best way for me is a web interface to database.
Account data like e-mail address, password, alias.
Of course I look for install PHPMyAdmin in the same cointainer as MailCow.
Not sure if that is the best approach to get your addresses and aliases in there.. But if you setup a install a phpmyadmin on the host i think it can connect.. i can connect from my localhost to the ip of the container on 3306 so you should be able to, or setup separate container with phpmyadmin .. But i would strongly suggest to keep this tool offline after you are done to minimize potential security issues..