rekito Hello, I’d like to add Nginx Basic HTTP Authentication on the main Mailcow interface (not the SOGo one). I looked into the nginx files and tried a few things but it doesn’t seem to hit the right mark. And I don’t quite think adding an nginx in front of the dockerized mailcow make sense, since it’s already using nginx as a reverse proxy internally. Can anyone help me in finding the right file to edit and what to add exactly?
diekuh If you use a reverse proxy, do it there. The mailcow interface is not an admin interface, it doesn’t make sense to block access to it.
rekito diekuh I’ve already mentioned that I don’t use a reverse-proxy, since mailcow already comes with its own nginx.
diekuh I cannot follow your argument. it is perfectly fine and common to place a reverse proxy in front of mailcow. Just because we proxy to some locations doesn’t meant it makes no sense.
MAGIC Well it’s basicly this: But as @diekuh said, it’s not an admin panel. User can and should login to the controlpanel and change settings there. Also why would you protect a password protected panel with another password?!