Hey I recently installed Mailcow but when I open SOGo I get a screen which says: “No mailbox selected” I cant select one tho. 
I already tried restarting etc, running the update script but nothing worked. I hope someone can help me.
Here are the logs of SOGo:
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [68]: <0×0×561fd347dbd0[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [67]: <0×0×561fd3480c50[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [66]: <0×0×561fd3480c50[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [64]: <0×0×561fd34832c0[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [65]: <0×0×561fd3482480[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [62]: <0×0×561fd3485320[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [61]: <0×0×561fd34832c0[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [63]: <0×0×561fd34832c0[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [57]: <0×0×561fd348b280[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [60]: <0×0×561fd3482480[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [59]: <0×0×561fd3489170[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [56]: <0×0×561fd3493830[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [55]: <0×0×561fd3493830[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [58]: <0×0×561fd3489170[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [53]: <0×0×561fd3246130[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [54]: <0×0×561fd348f9b0[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [52]: <0×0×561fd33fd780[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [51]: <0×0×561fd3260ae0[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 68
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 67
03.10.2022, 00:51:43 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 66
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 65
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 64
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 63
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 62
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 61
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [49]: <0×0×561fd32625e0[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [50]: <0×0×561fd3261c60[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 60
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 59
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 58
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 57
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 56
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 55
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 54
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 53
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 52
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 51
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 50
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 49
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> preparing 20 children
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×7fba01498360[WOWatchDogChild]> watchdog request timeout set to 30 minutes
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> watchdog process pid: 10
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3264da0[WOWatchDog]> listening on
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: All products loaded - current memory usage at 91 MB
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3231cc0[SOGoProductLoader]> Mailer.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo, Contacts.SOGo, ActiveSync.SOGo, MainUI.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo, AdministrationUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: <0×0×561fd3231cc0[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo products loaded from ‘/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo’:
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: vmem size check enabled: shutting down app when vmem > 384 MB. Currently at 81 MB
03.10.2022, 00:51:42 notice [10]: version 5.7.1 (build @sogo-build.alinto.int 202209080438) – starting
03.10.2022, 00:51:39 notice [9]: <0×0×55c1f8dd8610[WOWatchDog]> Terminating with SIGINT or SIGTERM!<
Thank you for your answer and help 🙂