we are currently in a testing and migration phase and we are running 5 internal mail-domains, say dom1.my.namespace to dom5.my.namespace.
The first step is planned to run dom1 on mailcow, while forwarding the other to our MS-Exchange.
In general this works fine using transport maps. In one of the next steps we will migrate mailboxes from Exchange to mailcow, but that’s another story.
For the moment users will create their mails using Exchange, which is supposed to use mailcow as a smarthost for all outgoing mails (works fine), and mailcow is supposed to forward all mails for unknown/external receipients to a Smarthost of our provider. Mails for the domain on mailcow (dom1) are delivered locally. Fine so far.
But how do I tell mailcow during the migration period "if it is one of the domains dom2 to dom5, forward to Exchange, forward anything else to my provider?
I already tried using a transport map like “* go to provider’s smarthost”, but then mails from internet to dom1 hosted on mailcow got bounced.
I appreciate any ideas