Hello everyone, new MailCow user here, I am currently running it on Linode and so far it’s great I am running all my emails from this server, my situation is as follows,
I have 2 nodes one running MailCow working great! and the other one running 3 websites,
The objective is to run my websites on the same server as MailCow.
On the current node running my sites, I have a reverse proxy that works great, but I want to consolidate everything onto one server (cheaper). I can add another host on this server by putting the conf file on the folder /etc/nginx/sites-available/example.com but since MailCow runs behind its own nginx instance I can’t install nginx on the host node, here is my question how can I add host to the MailCow nginx 1.23? when I go to the usual nginx folder I only found the following folder/files —- conf.d fastcgi.conf fastcgi_params mime.types modules nginx.conf scgi_params uwsgi_params—- the only place where I think I can add another host its in the file located at /etc/nginx/conf.d/includes/site-defaults.conf I didn’t see a folder with site-available there.
Thanks for any pointers in this regard.