Hi, I’m not sure if this is purely SOGo problem or if it is somehow mailcow related but I would assume that I would gat a lots of hits googling my issue as in my opinion it is pretty basic requirement but after 20 minutes of searching I got nothing so here is my problem:
I need to share some calendars with everyone on domain. Logically I created calendar under general account. Within sharing options I disabled everything under public access and under “Any Authenticated User” I chosed “View All” for all three dropdowns. By default everyone should be able to see these calendars but only selected few should be able to edit. OK, now I assume that I should already be able to subscribe to this calendar from other users. When I login as other user And under Subscriptions I click the plus icon and search for general account email address, I see the calendar that I created earlier but when I clicked on SUBSCRIBE I get error: You cannot (un)subscribe to a folder that you own!
I must say that I do not understand at all what this error even means. User that is trying to subscribe does not own this calendar (or does because he is Authenticated User and has View rights??). Either way this error does not help me to understand anything and after googling for a while there is nothing similar I could find.
I tried switching rights and creating other calendars but it is same every time. If I specify user directly under sharing option and I choose subscribe checkbox then calendar will appear in target user SOGo calendar list and he is able to interact with it but I need to setup this way around 10 calendars for 50 people and specifying each one manually for every calendar is not how I would like to do things and would create admin nightmare. Thanks to anyone who would shed some light onto this.

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