Hi All,
I have a problem that is getting quite frustrating. I recently moved from a Windows machine (using eMclient) to a Mac, using the default Mail client. All was going well up until 2 weeks ago, now every day I have an issue where I cannot send emails because Mail cannot establish an SMTP connection to the Mailcow server. IMAP and receiving emails is working fine. This is happening across all domains I have connected, 4 in total, but only to my machine, none of the other users on this Mailcow instance. Sending from SOGo always works fine.
Things I have tried:
-Check for an active ban on the Mailcow UI - always clear
-Reinstall the profile using the Apple config profile. I have tried both with a password included in the profile and without, same issue. However, removing the profile and installing it again allows me to send emails again for that day, then fails again the next day.
-Check with my ISP if for some reason they blocked a port.
So it has something to do with how my machine is connecting to Mailcow - but im not sure where to look or which logs to check for this. The Apple logs for Mail didn’t provide any clues that I could make out.
Any help appreciated.