Hi all,
First off, I am unable to find where to allow tagging in the Mailcow UI. The following doc must be dated or just isn’t clear enough for me to figure out where the menu is. Could you help?
I also tried the following filter in pre or post filter, but with no success, where abc@mydomain.com is either an email address or an alias.
require ["mailbox", "fileinto", "envelope", "editheader", "variables", "subaddress", "imap4flags"];
if envelope :is :user "to" "abc" {
if envelope :matches :detail "to" "*" {
set :lower :upperfirst "name" "${1}";
if string :is "${name}" "" {
fileinto "Inbox";
} else {
fileinto "plus/${name}";
Last but not least, ca I use the Sieve rule instead of the Mailcow UI tagging? It is all a bit unclear to me.
Thanks for your help.