I have some trouble using the REST API. I use this Python code to call make the REST request:
def rest_call(self, path: str, body = None):
url = "https://" + self.domain + "/api/v1/" + path
headers = {"accept" : "application/json",
"X-API-Key" : self.key }
data = json.dumps(body).encode("utf-8") if body else None
request = Request(url, data, headers)
logging.debug("Opening URL: %s with body: %s", url, body)
with urlopen(request) as response:
debug("Received Headers: ", response.getheaders())
content = response.read().decode("utf-8")
return json.loads(content)
which works well for requests that do not have post data. But for deleting an alias, which required a list of IDs as post data, I get this output:
DEBUG:root:Opening URL: https://mail.example.de/api/v1/delete/alias with body: ['20']
mailcow_api.py:19 MailcowAPI.rest_call
request.data: b'["20"]' (bytes) len=6
mailcow_api.py:20 MailcowAPI.rest_call
request.get_method(): 'POST' (str) len=4
mailcow_api.py:23 MailcowAPI.rest_call
response.status: 200 (int)
mailcow_api.py:25 MailcowAPI.rest_call
content: '{"type":"error","msg":"Cannot find attributes in post data"}' (str) len=60
My two questions are:
- Why is Mailcow returning error code 200 OK, when there was an error?
- What is wrong with my request, why doesn’t it sees the post data?
Thanks a lot!