Hi, I’ve installed mailcow in my server. I have 4 domains configured with apache2, and I would like configure mailcow for serve all them.
It is my dns config in cdmon for the main domain.
In the router I opened ports: 25, 587, 465, 993, 995, 80, 443, 8080 and 4433 (these last two are for webadmin mailcow).
I ran docker-compose, create domains, and mailboxes. But I have not been able to create the certificate since I already have them created in /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ and they are being used in apache2 to serve the web.
My IP is dynamic and blacklisted in SpamHaus, I wrote them for remove my ip from his list (I guess this is the reason because I cannot send emails for all the providers). But I cannot receive his email for confirmation because for other hand, I cannot receive emails and I don’t know why, or what I’m doing wrong. Please, someone can help me?