I am trying to install Mailcow and I get the following error when I start mailcow, I get the following error:
Connection to Redis failed.
The following error was reported:
php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Try again
On further inspection, it looks like mailcowdockerized_unbound-mailcow_1 is repeatedly failing and retrying.
Here is the output of docker logs:
Setting console permissions…
Receiving anchor key…
Receiving root hints…
######################################################################## 100.0%
setup in directory /etc/unbound
removing artifacts
Setup success. Certificates created. Enable in unbound.conf file to use
[1644029441] unbound[1:0] notice: init module 0: validator
[1644029441] unbound[1:0] error: unable to open trusted-key.key for reading: Permission denied
[1644029441] unbound[1:0] error: error reading auto-trust-anchor-file: trusted-key.key
[1644029441] unbound[1:0] error: validator: error in trustanchors config
[1644029441] unbound[1:0] error: validator: could not apply configuration settings.
[1644029441] unbound[1:0] error: module init for module validator failed
[1644029441] unbound[1:0] fatal error: failed to setup modules
I don’t find any file named trusted-key.key in the container folder.
Just to be clear, I am trying to install mailcow on mail.example.com. Because I don’t intend to use example.com to send emails (I’ll be using other domains), I have only added the A and CNAME records from the minimal configuration mentioned .
I also use ufw and added the following rules for mailcow:
ufw allow 4433/tcp comment “mailcow https”
ufw allow 800/tcp comment “mailcow http”
ufw allow 25/tcp comment “postfix-mailcow”
ufw allow 465/tcp comment “postfix-mailcow”
ufw allow 587/tcp comment “postfix-mailcow”
ufw allow 143/tcp comment “dovecot-mailcow”
ufw allow 993/tcp comment “dovecot-mailcow”
ufw allow 110/tcp comment “dovecot-mailcow”
ufw allow 995/tcp comment “dovecot-mailcow”
ufw allow 4190/tcp comment “dovecot-mailcow”
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.