I’m using nullmailer to handle sending emails from local machines to outside mail (as discussed @ https://community.mailcow.email/d/1150-how-to-handle-service-mails-from-non-public-hosts/2) via my mailcow server and that works ok.
While browsing through the postfix logs I noticed it bounces local messages received such as from cron daemon (it shows mail from user@vm.lan to user@vm.lan) with warning: Unable to look up MX host vm.lan for Recipient address user@vm.lan: Name or service not known
I can also see the message being processed in rspamdui where it’s all green. However as for the actual message that just disappears. It’s not in the vm.lan mailbox, it’s not on mailcow mailbox, so where is the mail gone? More importantly how can I force these messages to go to outside mailbox?
Any advice welcome, thanks!