Hi! I have one mailbox MyName@example.com I want to make additions aliases=names without new accounts created. Similar as admin@example.com mail@example.com info@example.com etc.. Where is it possible to make it? I see only make Aliases in Mail Setup / Aliases but their use for sending. Is not for delivery.
Alias for delivered messages How!
- Edited
Their use is indeed for delivery. You set up an “Edit Alias” in the first box, then one or more “Goto” addresses in the second. Your email alias will then be delivered to the go to address(es).
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But I need for incoming mail messages. Where is it configurable? In my previous mail server Sendmail it was very easy to configure.
They are also used for incoming messages
Hmm, You are right! Strange, Yesterday my test from gmail.com was rejected upon receipt. Probably after the Alias changes need mandatory Restart SOGo?
No restart required. I have a few hundred aliases (I use one for every website I make a profile on) and they work instantly.
Ok X-Factor