I was wondering how the domain rate limits work. If set a limit in the UI for a domain of 500 msgs/hour. Is this a combined limit or is it a per user limit?

  • diekuh

    • Community Hero
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    Moolevel 110

It is combined for the whole domain. 🙂 If it’s 500, one user could send 499, another one 1.

A mailbox limit would override this setting.

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Thanks for the reply! I was assuming that was how it worked. Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t some global variable for each user.

Is it possible to add a daily rate limit per domain? I see seconds/minutes/hours but not a day. I know there is a ratelimit.conf to override the limits, if you cannot set a daily limit in the UI is it possible to set it in the ratelimit.conf or using the API? I noticed the “rl_frame” in the API can i set this to day?

  • diekuh

    • Community Hero
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    Moolevel 110

I added it. Will be available with the next push.

    The rate limit set inside mailcow also applies to external email apps correct? Say if I used Apple Mail and I put in my smtp server creds, the rate limit would apply to that as well correct?

    • diekuh

      • Community Hero
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      Moolevel 110

    Yes. 🙂

    4 days later

    What happens if the rate limit is exceeded? Will the emails be rejected, or will they be sent out as soon as the time limit passes?

    It will be rejected, with an smtp error shown in your mail client.

    • diekuh

      • Community Hero
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      Moolevel 110

    Yep, with a 4.x.x

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