I have followed few tutorials that ask to create header_checks but in postfix main.cf file there is already an option smtp_header_checks. How can I set a List-Unsubscribe default for all emails from mailcow?

a month later

Hello. I am also interested in this. I’ve read that it should be added to postfix but not really detailed information


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2 months later

I’d love to know this as well! Hopefully we can get an answer to that.

2 months later

Hi everyone, did you find a way on how to configure the add list-unsubscribe header into mailcow or even within the server?

Kind regards

Hey guys/gals, please make sure that you actually need these headers. When your are not sending bulk mail (which mailcow might not even be the right tool for), you don’t need it.

In all other cases you could try this: Mailtrap Icon List Unsubscribe Header: Why and How to Use | Mailtrap Blog

Make sure to persist your changes, so that they don’t get overwritten, when restarting the stack.

Thanks Maxe for the quick response and tip, it worked.

Kind regards

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