Hey Everyone. I just made my first steps with docker and your mail server setup. Most of it works like a charm. Thank you very much.
I follow your tutorial on the SOGo Thunderbird connector but it did not work for me. I know how it looks working. I have an experience on that. Steps are quite easy to follow and I tryed to debug a bit but I did not find an obvious issue.
- Plugin is created as in tutorial.
- Plugin is installed in Thunderbird.
- When setting up the first mail account through regular setup wizard in Thunderbird, then IMAP works like a charm. –> not dependent on plugin
- Address book remains empty & calendars are not found –> plugin not working
My expectation is: I do the regular mail account setup and after that the personal calendar and address book shall pop up in Thunderbird.
OS: Debian 10
Maildomain: antrotest.de
MX moo.antrotest.de
command to create the plugin:
echo antrotest.de | ./build-plugins.sh moo.antrotest.de
This was the only command that was not only copy & paste, so I don’t see another obvious breaking point.
I attach the versions.csv and sogo-connector-68.0.1-antrotest.de.xpi as generated just in case. They don’t look that bad to me.